Ageless Grace

Let Your Light Shine


Trees, plants, flowers, animals and humans come in all shapes and sizes, and this is what makes our world unique and interesting. Today I encourage you to take time to reflect on your unique nature and let it shine!

When my husband took off the netting to look over a candidate for our 2020 Christmas tree at Home Depot, the first thing I saw were imperfections . . . the branches were sparse on one side and there were many curly bare branches that looked like something from outer space. The tree had not one top branch but two branches that would be competing to hold the angel topper - a bit awkward, I thought.

My first reaction was to look for another tree.

But something made me pause and I looked at it again through different eyes. I saw the rawness, the fun, and beauty in a tree that wasn't picture-perfect. And I fell in love with all of it.

We did our best to string the lights and hang ornaments on the branches that didn’t droop. I clipped some of the curly ones and I played with the top to hold one angel leaning on its branch and another angel ornament hanging by a ribbon on the other topper. I loved how it was different than other years.

We decided to name this year's Christmas tree “Unity."

There is beauty to be seen and felt in the raw, the uneven, and the so-called flawed. We humans come in an array of shapes and sizes and colors. Each one of us has the ability to shine our light brightly and celebrate the unique light in others.

Keep shining!

Teresa D’Angelo
Nia 1st Degree Black Belt Instructor and Ageless Grace Brain & Body Health Educator

I believe we heal ourselves through movement.

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There is a book I bought as part of my Brown Belt training in the Nia® Technique years ago. It’s called, BodyStories by Andrea Olsen. It’s about our body’s intelligence and how movement of humans and everything around us affects our life.

Nothing has brought me closer to my body’s intelligence than Nia®. It has been a practice that I have taught for 14 years as of this writing. My relationship with this practice was born out of debilitating illness. I didn’t think I could ever walk without a cane, let alone dance and teach again. But, with help, I am blessed to be able to pass on the “movement message.”

The ability to be guided to express ourselves through movement is a gift. So much is held inside and pushed down, unless we have an outlet. Our experiences are held in our bodies. As one of my mentors said, “the issue is in the tissue.”

When we move in a way that is consciously and compassionately guided, it can open us to our own expansion and life’s possibilities. One student shared a remarkable breakthrough in class recently:

I had a powerful experience in today's class of reclaiming my body, especially my shoulders and upper chest -- my pectoral muscles. I felt their strength and vitality and I could almost say, "power," for the first time in my life.

This is a big deal. The awareness this person had of how they were moving, and discovering something new in their movement, allowed a feeling of power to come through.

Conscious movement is known to spark creativity, joy, curiosity and connection with other people. I personally have found that my life is more meaningful through my connection with my body.

My wish for you is to explore more for yourself — no matter what movement practice you choose.

Always with love,

Teresa D’Angelo
Nia 1st Degree Black Belt Instructor and Ageless Grace Brain & Body Health Educator