Ageless Grace®
Move, Imagine, and Smile!
Brightview Senior Living, New Jersey
Ageless Grace® helps you step “out of the box” to do something creative and wonderful for your brain and body. This is a practice for lifelong comfort and ease, inspiring anti-aging through joint mobility, spinal flexibility, right-left brain coordination, kinesthetic learning, cognitive function, systemic health, balance, self-esteem, confidence, and play! For all ages and abilities, Ageless Grace® is designed to be done in a chair to activate all 5 major functions of the brain while engaging key muscle groups and vital organs. The movements are simple and organic and anyone can do them . . . imagine throwing a football, painting a house, playing the clarinet, or dancing like a Rockette!
“I received permission to get out of my head (which I am always in), to stop analyzing, to surrender to the moment, relax and have a purely enjoyable time just being me.”
Classes are facilitated weekly online or inquire about a private session. Teresa is an international Ageless Grace Educator and Trainer, leading classes on Zoom and at senior living and recreation centers. Register here for classes!