Do you have a community of people that you enjoy being around? Maybe it’s your family, friends, or a group with a common purpose.
I don’t know that I would have the same relationship with my body today had it not been for the practice of Nia and our NJ community.
The power in our community is Heart.
I had a profound experience this past weekend. One of our Nia instructors and dear friend, Kim Lane, is moving to Nashville as I write this. We knew for almost a year this day would come and we held a farewell “Nia Jam” (an extended class with several instructors leading). The theme was appropriately named “Memory Lane" and the entire Nia NJ community was invited.
It was . . .
Heart warming Smiling and crying, moving to many of Kim’s favorite songs and feeling the emotion and power of connection in the room.
Heart wrenching Feeling heavy because of the impact she made on my life and our community. We are feeling a big space, which shows how much we love her.
Kim Lane and Teresa D'Angelo
The power in our community has been life changing.
Community requires a vision and people who keep the vision going. Thanks to my other dear friend and retreat co-creator, Lori Lynn, who started Nia NJ in her living room about 10 years ago with 3 of us and a simple idea. Soon afterward our group began to expand and we have since grown into a vibrant community.
It is a community of heart. We laugh together, support each other, and cry together when people we love move on.
The power of community is lasting
This morning, I was thinking about close friends in my life. Some friends I’ve known for 40 years, some for 10, and some for less. As I get older, I realize how important communities / tribes are for me, to grow friendships and to help each other.
Nia NJ is a group of people who found each other through common interest in a state-of-the-art movement practice. I found Kim through this community. Her friendship inspired me to discover another part of myself – a playful part that I adore.
While Nia isn’t for everybody, it is for me and I am grateful. Ever since my first class, my vision has been to help people in pain feel better. I did not realize how much I would receive in return.
Some of our Nia NJ Beauties
Thank you, Kim.
Thank you, Lori Lynn.
Thank you, Nia NJ.
Thank you, Nia.
If you are searching for a community of people who love moving without judgment, join Teresa for weekly classes. See for current schedule. She also holds special movement programs for people with chronic illness.
For a weekend of community, movement and self-discovery, join Teresa D’Angelo and Lori Lynn Meader for the 5th annual Dwell In Possibilities Retreat for Women, August 26-28, Lifebridge Sanctuary in Rosendale, NY.