Moving with the Seasons

The Autumnal Equinox is a time of celebrating what we have sown. All comes into balance with equal day and night as we begin to transition with nature. The sun shines brightly as the air starts to cool. Since it is nearly time for much of our plant life to end its cycle of growth, the leaves put on a beautiful show of their magnificent colors before they fall from the trees. The longer, chilly nights sometimes make us start to crave warm spices and foods.

Personally, I enjoy warm weather and could live at the beach all year. I go into autumn with a little bit of trepidation because I know the cold weather is coming. However, my son was born on September 21, so the change of seasons is also very special to me. When he arrived my life changed forever.  I connect his birth with my own transformation each autumn. As he continues to grow and change in college, my own life grows and changes as well.

Nia Class


How can we help ourselves embrace the change of seasons?  By moving body, mind and spirit, of course!

  • First and foremost, BREATHE in fresh air. Imagine it going all the way down into your hips to fill your lungs. Even on your busiest days, step outside your home or office door and take a few deep, cleansing breaths of the crisp air.
  • Take a walk outside. Pets who need exercise can help us with this one. You can also step out on your lunch break for a few minutes and stroll around your office building, parking lot, or neighborhood. The movement will help clear your head and make you fresher for the afternoon.
  • Park farther away from your office door and enjoy the scenic walk -- unless you’re in a parking garage, then you’ll need to imagine the scenery. :)
  • Take some time to play! If you have leaves to rake, jump in the pile when you’re finished raking! Instead of buying your apples from the store, go out and pick your own. And who ever said that only kids can carve silly faces into pumpkins? Choose a pumpkin and let your creative juices flow.
  • Try that new movement class you’ve been thinking about . . . how about a Nia class? Nia is a practice that will condition your body, bringing balance to your mind, emotions and spirit.
  • Go camping or take a retreat in nature. Search for the types of retreats you enjoy, like hiking, yoga and spiritual studies. You might even choose the one I'm co-hosting for women in October in New York. Dwell in Possibilities will give you the opportunity to ignite your fire and awaken your passions.
  • Finally, for warming you on the inside, add cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric and other spices to your drinks and food. One of my favorites is butternut squash soup!

However you choose to celebrate the beautiful season of autumn, keep conscious movement a part of your life. If you are in the New York/New Jersey area, you can find a list of upcoming classes and workshops here.